The Love of Family

Our blog keep our family and friends in the know about the life and times of our family and extended families.

Monday, January 21, 2008

The Amazing Mind

T has the most amazing mind!!!! I've watched my nieces grow and their minds EXPLODE with knowledge, however, this was never truly witnessed by me until now as I watch my baby boy grow. I think T is BRILLANT (doesn't every parent think their child is though.) I don't know many two- year-olds that know most of the Alphabet BY SITE and can associate words with several of the letters, i.e. M stands for MOMMY and D stands for DADDY! He also knows what a trapezoid is, among other shapes. His vocabulary is exploding and as most 2 year olds do he gets words mixed up, such as MOVE, he says "MOOSH." He tells the dog to "MOOSH please!!!!"

As we watch this amazing mind grow it amazes us what God has done and the hedge of protection that God placed over our baby before he came to live with us at four months old.


Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Where Have We Been

Well, we've been super busy being mommy and daddy to T. T has been super busy being 2!!!! Come back soon and mommy PROMISES to get our blogger updated on a regular basis.


Sunday, September 23, 2007

Life is still moving along

I know it's been awhile since I posted...... this past month (actually the past week) has been a whirlwind. A girl I have known since (well I don't even remember meeting her, I've just ALWAYS known her) was declared cancer free. Another one of the girls that we have known FOREVER and her husband's 2 day old baby died. While another girl that we have yet again known FOREVER had her three year old diagnosed with ADD this week.

Oh yes and I did not mention that we have had a sick little man. My hubby has been in solitary confinement (so to speak) with T all week....... T was so excited when we went for a drive yesterday.


Saturday, August 25, 2007

Life Moves Pretty Fast

Over twenty years ago a movie was made called Ferris Bueller's Day Off. It was about a high school boy who took the day off from high school. I would not have used his excuses to get out of school but even if I tried, my mom went to the movie WITH ME. Anyway, on to my point, the movie was just funny, however one line stuck "Life moves pretty fast and if you don't stop and look around you just may miss something."

Our life has been moving along, T gets to move in the 2 year old class at school this week (he'll be two in 2 weeks) however he appears to be bored in his current class. I've been on my new job a month, Andy's been on his job almost a year.

One of my brother's broke his arm this week and will miss the football season (he's a Junior); one of my other brother's kids will be in 3rd and 6th grade. My sister is starting college and Andy's sister is starting high school.

The kids are growing up and I turned 34 this week! Life moves so fast, today my mom and I spent a good part of the day with one of my best friends and it seems like yesterday we graduated from high school --- that was 15 years ago. So apparently Ferris Bueller was right; "Life moves pretty fast and if you don't stop and look around you just may miss something."


Thursday, August 02, 2007

Opening the Mail

Today was like any other day, or so we thought! I dropped T and A off at work/school and I went on to work. We had to run to Sam's on the way home. When we got home I checked the mail, I have been waiting for something and IT CAME. I opened something fabulous, something that made US official with the great State of Texas. What was in the mail you ask ----- T's Birth Certificate with his forever name and our names were listed as his FOREVER PARENTS!!!!!

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Saturday, July 21, 2007

The Heritage of ORBC

We all have a heritage from our families, however not everyone has the heritage of a Church Family like A and I have. Today was a Reunion for all the youth, our parents and the youth workers from 1979 to 1990 at ORBC. There was about 250 people there, I think, it was so hard to judge how many were actually there as kids were all over, parents were visiting away and our parents (the grandparents) were visiting away. We got to see tons of pictures and old home movies with all of the songs we sang at camp Alto Frio, mission trips and hanging out.

It was such a wonderful opportunity to pay tribute to the fearless leaders that God brought into our path as they were there also. Gary was our Youth Director and Bill was our Choir Director during those years. Man what fun, sad and meaningful times we had; we played hard, witnessed hard and prayed hard. God has worked in such an amazing way in all of us and it was so great to see everyone. So many were missed, several were missed due to recording albums, mission trips, having babies and moving.

During some of those years it was nothing to have 200 plus in the youth ministry so you can only imagine how many kids have come through that ministry over the years.

We all agreed that God did a wonder through all of us to bring us together so that we could do a wonder where God placed us as adults. It was great to see everyone! As we sang today, Our God is an Awesome God.


Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The State of T

For those of you who know our sweet T you know he also has a very stubborn and mischievous side. He is so cute!
When he is ready to get "UP," he’s ready, no waiting. This week we found out something; we already knew T could get out of his playpen, however, what we did not now was that he could get back INTO it unassisted. While I was taking care of a phone call A was sorting laundry A put T in the playpen and turned on Little Einstein’s. On A’s way back to the bedroom, he stopped in the kitchen to tell me something and T just walked on in. He listened to us for a minute and turned around and walked out. So after A laughed he said "I know I put him in the playpen, he got out again, oh well." A went to check out where T went and low and behold T was back IN the playpen. A came back into the kitchen to inform me that T got back IN the playpen BY HIMSELF. Apparently our conversation was boring so T wanted to go back to Little Einstein’s. We just love our little guy so much we can’t imagine life without him in it. It seems like a lifetime ago that little T entered our lives. So much has happened in the last 18 months!

